Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

The Felton Family would like to wish one and all a very Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope yours has been as wonderful as ours has been today!

The Feltons

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Terrible Twos...

(Faith, Hope & Charity)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yup, we reached them. And lately it seems that they have carried over to age 3. The girls are now 3 years old and are more whiny now than they were when they were babies! I talked to several friends who have been through this stage wondering how long we have before this stage is done, and all of them have told me that this could last all the way to age 5! That's just crazy! If that's the case, why don't they just call it the Terrible Toddler years instead of misleading everyone by calling it the Terrible Twos?! Nap times are the absolute worst. Actually, I shouldn't say that. They are more of a 50/50 kinda thing. They are either waking up from a nap in a great mood, or they are all crabby as anything. Lately though, it's been more 70% bad mood and 30% good.

I think a lot of that has to do with them not wanting to go to sleep at night. We put the girls down at 9pm every night. And every night I can almost garauntee that they will not go to sleep until almost Midnight on some days. Between 9 and Midnight, it's just total chaos. They try sneaking out of their room, they are jumping into eachother's beds... man, it just gets crazy. They say that the best thing to do is just to stay quiet and keep putting them back into their room without saying a word to them. Sometimes this does work. Most of the time though, it's hard for Amy and I to stay quiet without telling them to stay in bed and go to sleep. And honestly, I don't know why we even bother with that anymore either. They are just right back up and at it again! But eventualy, they do go to sleep.

(Charity, Faith & Hope)

There has been a test so to speak going on lately though. We've been trying to see if no nap in the afternoon will help getting them to sleep when it's time to do so for that last time at night. And actually, that's been working! We've been giving that a try every other day. Some people say that they are too young to go without that afternoon nap. But really, it seems that it doesn't really bother them either way. And they have been letting us know if they really would like to take one. So I think it's just a matter of preference really. But, I've never really been one of those parents who goes by what other people say should be done, or read the books that tell you how to be a parent. Parenting is really just a bunch of trial and errors. You try everything once until you find the few things that fit for you and your kids. I don't think anyone can really tell you how to be a parent. Your either going to be one, a good one, or not. At the end of the day, your the one who has to live with your decisions that you have made through out the day as a parent. If you feel good about it, then you've done okay. If not, you have the next day to fix the situation. You'll know when it's not right, and you'll definetly get that gut feeling when you know it's wrong. But that also works for the good things. Trial and error. That's really what being a parent is. The ultimate test of your life. And at the end of it all, when your kids have graduated college, gotten married and have kids of their own, you'll get to see in action the job you have done on your end. You'll either be happy with it, or you wont. Hopefully, we'll all be happy with it.