Amy has also informed me that if our girls like playing this game, I'll probably be stuck coaching till they decide they don't want to play anymore. Hey, that's okay though. As long as they are having fun and I'm having fun too, I wouldn't have it any other way! What's good about this is that I get to be the Assistant Coach for THEIR team! So this should be fun for all of us! Can you tell that I'm absolutely stoked about this!? As I'm sitting here going through the Coaches Pamphlet, I'm noticeing that they have put in the Characteristics of the children for the age we are coaching. Some of these are quite funny, but still we as adult coaches need to keep these things in mind:
- Short attention span
- Can attend to only one problem at a time.
- May understand simple rules that are explained briefly and demonstrated. May or may not understand or remember: what the lines on the field mean; what team they are on; what goal they are going for. We need to be patient and laugh with them as they get 'lost' on the field.
- Easily bruised psychologically. Shout praise often. Give "hints", don't criticize.
- Need generous praise and to play without pressure. No extrinsic rewards(trophies, medals, etc.) should be given for winning.
- Prefer "parallel play" (will play on a team, but will not engage with their teammates. Thus, a 3 against 3 game is, in reality, a 1 against 5 game because they all want the ball at the same time.
- Very individually oriented (me, my, mine).
- Constantly in motion, but, with no sense of pace. They will chase something untill they drop.
- They are easily fatigued, but recover rapidly
- Development for boys and girls are quite similar
- Physical coordination limited. Eye - hand eye - foot coordination is not developed. Need to explore qualities of a rolling ball.
- Love to run, jump, roll, hop, etc.
- Prefer large soft balls.
- Catching and throwing skills not developed.
- Can balance on their "good" foot.