Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goodbye 2010!! Hello 2011!!!

Well, another year has come and gone. Some parts good, others, well... not so much. But, you take the good with the bad. As 2010 winds to a close here in the next few days, I find myself reflecting on the year that was for us Feltons. Zack started his Freshmen year of High School, wether or not he makes it out, that remains to be seen. We remain hopeful that he will. The girls finished their first year of Preschool earlier this year, and are in full swing into their second year! They are doing very well in Preschool and we couldn't be prouder!

As for this past Summer, Zack spent most of it over at his Nana's house helping her out over their after the recent passing of his Grandfather on his Mom's side of the family. Word has it that he was a lot of help, which is good news. The girls started Soccer for the first time this year and I started Coaching Soccer for the first time this year right along with them. It was a bit of a bumpy start, but progressively got better as the season went on! Charity, while not totally interested, did pretty good, Hope did well and Faith took to it like a fish to water! All three girls say that they want to play again this spring, but I've got a funny feeling that two of them may not last the whole season this time around. Faith, however, is a natural and absolutely loves the sport! I will continue to coach and learn the sport as long as my girls want me too, or they themselves want to play. I love working with not only them, but helping the other kids on the team learn as well. I found it to be very rewarding.

The girls also got involved with Tumbling this year! All three girls really like it and I'm going to assume that there is no question that they will want to continue this as well. All three are very good at it and made us very proud of them at a recent recitle that was held a week before Christmas! They did a short 3 minute routine, but it was very cute and a lot of fun to watch! We did take pictures, but they came out too dark to print or put on Facebook. You'll just have to take my word for it that it was really cute.

Things have pretty much remained the same for Amy and I. I'm still working the same job that I've been at for the last, almost 11 years now and Amy continues to be a "Stay-at-Home Mom", working from home and maybe going into the office once or twice a month. Hmm... I'm thinking maybe she has the better gig. But on the other hand, I'm not sure that I could keep up with all the appointments, preschool and activities for the kids as well as she can. Definetly a lot of work mentaly and equally as exhausting as my physical labor job. So then again, maybe I have the better gig?! LOL! At any rate, as fun and as challenging this year has been, we are happy to say goodbye to it and welcome in the new year and whatever challenges it may bring with it! I'm also hoping to beable to update this blog more often in the coming year as well! I know the updates this past year have been few, but I do promise to try and rectify that in the coming year! So we hope that you all had a great Christmas, and we wish all of you the best in the new year to come!

The Feltons!