Okay, so this is the first post since the first of the year. Hey, I've been busy... okay! These days, seems like it's harder to get on this computer than it's ever been for me. Especially since I have one daughter who is attached to my hip as soon as I walk in the door, and another daughter that gets upset if I'm not paying full attention to her every second. I mean I've either gotta be playing the Wii with them or sitting with them watching whatever movie they want to watch or... well just something! And do I do all these things for them? You bet I do! But there are times when circumstances don't allow for it and then I've got three very upset little girls because I just couldn't do what they wanted me to do with them at that particular moment. Not saying that I wouldn't do it... it just wasn't going to happen when they wanted it to at that time. They may be only four years old, but I'm discovering that they understand some things a lot more than I think they do. What gets hard is every night as we are putting them to bed. Faith, bless her little heart, always asks me the same question: "Daddy, are you staying home tomorrow?". Four days out of the week I have to tell her no. It breaks her little heart when I tell her no to that question. She tries her best to understand that Daddy has to work, and that I have to do it for her and her sisters and the well being of the family. Geez, even I have a hard time understanding that at that time. She doesn't see what it does to me when I have to tell her no. I'd love nothing more than to spend every waking moment with all of them. I mean, who wouldn't want to do that with their kids!? And if you don't... well then maybe you have no business being a parent to begin with.
Last week, I took a vacation day to be with the girls on their Field Trip to Fair Oaks Farms, the next exit down from us. They were ecstatic! And so was I, just to see their faces when I told them that I was going with them! The absolute best feeling in the world when your a parent is to see the reaction they get when you tell them that you're going to do something with them! Now, you may be asking yourself what the big deal is going to this farm. Well, I gotta tell you, unless you've been there, you just wouldn't get it. They have fresh cheese there that they make themselves. Obviously since they have more than 32,000 Milking Cows, not only do they make their own cheese, but they are also able to make their own Ice Cream there too! and man is it delicious! Does nothing for you if your on a diet, but man is it great for an instant party in your mouth and tummy! Plus, the kids get to see how a Dairy Farm functions day to day. Very interesting how they get everything from point "A" to point "B". Those of you interested in taking your little ones to Fair Oaks, you can either look it up on the Internet, or you can PM me on my Facebook page and I'll get you directions. But it is very interesting and educational for the kids. They even get to witness the live birth of a calf. Although this may not be for everyone, they get to witness the miracle of life...well through a Cow's perspective anyway.
This year, I am once again coaching our girls Soccer team! To my surprise, I am Head Coach this year and I'm already discovering how hard that job is and the Season isn't even underway yet! Opening Day is April 2 around here. I'm already losing one kid because him and his brother were supposed to be on the same team. So they are moving him up to his brother's team. Not to mention I have an Assistant Coach who's telling me he may not be able to make all of the practices or games. That would be okay if I had another Assistant with me, but I don't have that luxury this year. He says that he may only make half of them! So... I'm just wondering why this guy volunteered to begin with!? If you can't invest the time for it, why do it?? I understand that because of work schedules, most parents can't do this job. But if you know this ahead of time, why are you doing it?? I just don't understand it. Plus, he says that he's played the game before in school and outside of school! So you'd think that he'd be all into this and want to be there! But he sounded very uninterested when talking to him. Almost like he was being forced into something he really didn't want any part of. UUUGGGHHH! Already this could be a mess! Anyhow, I'll be sure to keep you all posted on how the season is going. If I haven't pulled out ALL of my hair by then! Stay tuned kids, this could prove to be an interesting season!