Monday, November 29, 2021

My Prayer For 2022...And Beyond

The last two years have been rough for everyone. With the arrival of COVID-19 here in the States at the beginning of 2020, the chinks in our armor became more noticeable and upfront. Not just as a Nation, but as people. Our vulnerabilities were put on full display. Our dislikes for people different than us were shoved upfront. And because of this, there has never been a more dangerous time in our Country than right now. 

Normally, you are used to me writing something happy and shiny around this time to close out another year. But I'm finding it hard to do that this year. Not because there is none of that to write about, but because there are too many things to pray for that need our attention. Of course I'm greatful and thankful for all of my family's blessings this year. Who wouldn't be thankful for that. But it is also important to notice and pray for all that needs our immediate attention. As families. As friends and neighbors. As a Nation, once proud of it's ability to pull together during a time of crisis. An ability, that I hope has not been lost forever. I'm not normally one who wears my faith on my sleeve. As most of you know, I do not subscribe to any religion such as Catholic, Evangelical, Protestant or anything else. I have my reasons. Mainly because no matter how INCLUSIVE they claim to be, they are very EXCLUSIVE and hypocritical. I have seen it for myself. I've seen the more well to do parishioners look down upon those who are less fortunate than them. Is this what God teaches us? It is not. I've seen them look down upon those who are different from them in how they look, act and even sexual orientation. Is this how God wants us to be? I don't think so. I've seen supposed people of faith put politicians above God. Infact, it is still happening today. If we are true believers as we claim to be, there should be no other God than ours and certainly none more powerful. IF we are true Christians. Politicians are nothing more than men and women like us. They are no better than me or you. They are just people. They get dressed the same way we do everyday. They have all the same problems we do everyday, just on a different scale. They are just people. So before I get too wrapped up it this, let me get right to what I'm praying for in 2022, and beyond.

More Inclusive Than Exclusive:  
Yes, I am praying that we all can be more inclusive than exclusive this coming year and all the years to come after. We should be embracing and celebrating each other's differences. Not bashing and pushing those away who are different from us. If we just open up our minds and our hearts to each other, we may find that we have more in common than we realized. And how could that possibly be wrong?

We Realize As Christians We All Worship And Praise The Same God, No Matter Our Supposed Religion:
Listen, just because you may be Catholic, your Neighbor Baptist and your coworker doesn't subscribe to a religion, but still believes in the teachings of God, doesn't make them bad people and neither one better than the other. As I said earlier, I don't subscribe to a religion. I have my reasons. But I still believe in what He wants us to know and follow. I just choose to worship Him my own way. Meaning, I don't need to sit with others who claim to believe the same way I do. I'm perfectly capable of doing it on my own. 

We Realize Politicians Do More To Divide Us Than Unite Us:
That seems to be all they want to do these days is divide and conquer. Is that really what we want? Can we truly call ourselves the United States if we proceed to let them have their way? We keep saying we want change. And if that's true, only we can make that change happen for sure! We need politicians who are true to their word. That want us to stay united, and that truly have our best interest at hand. All of the ones in office now, do not have that, nor do they want that. They want us to stay divided. They want us to be dependent upon them. This is not what our Forefathers wanted for us. Only we have the power to change that. It's time we show them that power... PEACEFULLY!!!

We Teach Our Children To Be Better People Than We Are:
Yes, teach them! Inherently, children are born innocent. It is what they learn from us their parents, and others they associate with throughout their lives that perverts their minds! But as their parents, it is up to us to teach them good family values and good morals. It's our job to make sure that they are better people than us. 

Praying That Our Nation Really Realizes The Seriousness Of This Pandemic:
I've made it no secret how I feel about what's going on with the Pandemic in our Country, and how there are people here just not taking it seriously enough or caring enough to really turn the tide. Instead of really looking at facts, they choose to follow those who claim to know the facts, but really know nothing at all. I trust the science. I trust the vaccines. And I believe that the only way to really beat this is to work together. Not divided.

May We All Learn To Be More Patient And Understanding With One Another:
Okay, I am not the most patient person when it comes to certain things, and yes, even some people. But I have made a promise to myself to be better at it from now on. Rome wasn't built in a day, and I'm still very much a work in progress. But let me tell you what I have noticed lately. 

I like to people watch when I'm out places. And these days, I have observed that people are not as patient with one another as they used to be. Sometimes to the point that they become violent. Although I don't see myself getting violent with people, I do see a lot of that lack of patience in myself. And not just out and about. But at home and work as well. Everyone has their breaking point, and your always going to have that one person or persons in your life that just loves to get you right to that point. But the challenge is to not buy into it. And if you can get that mastered with people that you know and associate with, the better off you'll be when dealing with persons you don't really know. That's the goal I'm going for. I hope all of you can promise to yourselves to do the same.

Have a safe and blessed Christmas everyone! And a safe and blessed New Year as well!