Geez! I can't even remember when the last time was that I posted something here! It's not that I've forgotten about it, I've just not had a whole lot of time to really post! Things have been crazy busy around here. In case you didn't already know, and I'm quite sure by now almost everyone does know by now, the original set of 6 chickens we were raising last year were killed just before Christmas. They met their untimely demise from a Raccoon, or a few of them anyway. Crafty little buggers they are! Of coarse, with as hard as last winter was, I'm not sure they would have survived anyway in the tiny coop that they lived in. But even though we were out witted by a pair or family of Raccoons, we didn't let that stop us in getting more chickens! This time, instead of getting them already full grown, we decided to get them as chicks and hand raise them ourselves. In order to do this, this past May we had to embark on building a new Coop from the ground up. Amy came up with the design and was the lead Carpenter on the project! She had a vision of how this thing was supposed to look and she ran with it. And when she gets those visions, I've learned to just step aside and let her do her thing! Good thing I did too, because she constructed a damn sturdy Coop! Me, when I get to building things, I turn into Tim the Tool man Taylor from the show "Home Improvement"! No Lie! I do more damage to myself and other things around me more than anything else! I wish I was kidding! So thanks to my lovely wife, Amy, we now have a very sturdy 6'x6' Coop that can hold up to 15 chickens! We settled for 12 though. They are not laying eggs yet, but should start as soon as September!
Aside from the Coop and the chickens, we have been extremely busy with the girls! They have just finished their second year of Homeschooling and are headed into 3rd Grade this Fall! Not to mention that they will be 8 years old in just a few short weeks! Where does the time go?! Of coarse, they are looking forward to starting the Fall season for Soccer! This Fall, they move up a division to U-10! Bigger field, two more additional Refs and a few more added rules. They'll be fine, I'm sure, but it's going to take a little getting used to for Amy and I. Amy and I are also on the Board Of Directors for the Soccer league. I know, as if we don't have a busy enough schedule as it is, we get ourselves on the BOD to add to the mix of an already busy schedule! We do still take Karate with the kids, but being that June and July tend to be our busiest months other than December, we took them off and will resume Karate next month. Hoping to test for our Yellow Belts once we get back into the swing of things! And yes, once Soccer is over for the Winter, we then have Basketball to think about again! The girls really loved playing their first season last January so much, that they want to keep playing! Who am I to say no?! As long as they want to keep playing Basketball and Soccer, I'll keep coaching them for as long as they will let me!
A lot of people ask me and Amy all the time about Zack. He now lives in Lafayette, IN, and seems to be really getting it together down there. He has some pretty good friends that he hangs with and is steady working on his GED. He has applied for several jobs and hopefully will be getting one soon! In fact, we just seen him yesterday and took him out for a bit! He looks healthy and happy and seems to be enjoying his new life down there! We couldn't be happier for him! It feels good to see that things may finally be settling down for him! Well, that seems to sum things up for now! And, yes, I know, I say this all the time... I will try not to let so much time pass between updates! But I can't promise anything! Until then, enjoy some of these pictures!
The top picture is of the girls with Polly, our Australian Shepherd/Beagle mix, the second picture is of Hope and Faith helping with putting together the new Chicken Coop, and the third pic is of Charity doing the same!
And yes, before you ask, Charity did want her hair cut short! She loves it! Til next time!
Aside from the Coop and the chickens, we have been extremely busy with the girls! They have just finished their second year of Homeschooling and are headed into 3rd Grade this Fall! Not to mention that they will be 8 years old in just a few short weeks! Where does the time go?! Of coarse, they are looking forward to starting the Fall season for Soccer! This Fall, they move up a division to U-10! Bigger field, two more additional Refs and a few more added rules. They'll be fine, I'm sure, but it's going to take a little getting used to for Amy and I. Amy and I are also on the Board Of Directors for the Soccer league. I know, as if we don't have a busy enough schedule as it is, we get ourselves on the BOD to add to the mix of an already busy schedule! We do still take Karate with the kids, but being that June and July tend to be our busiest months other than December, we took them off and will resume Karate next month. Hoping to test for our Yellow Belts once we get back into the swing of things! And yes, once Soccer is over for the Winter, we then have Basketball to think about again! The girls really loved playing their first season last January so much, that they want to keep playing! Who am I to say no?! As long as they want to keep playing Basketball and Soccer, I'll keep coaching them for as long as they will let me!
A lot of people ask me and Amy all the time about Zack. He now lives in Lafayette, IN, and seems to be really getting it together down there. He has some pretty good friends that he hangs with and is steady working on his GED. He has applied for several jobs and hopefully will be getting one soon! In fact, we just seen him yesterday and took him out for a bit! He looks healthy and happy and seems to be enjoying his new life down there! We couldn't be happier for him! It feels good to see that things may finally be settling down for him! Well, that seems to sum things up for now! And, yes, I know, I say this all the time... I will try not to let so much time pass between updates! But I can't promise anything! Until then, enjoy some of these pictures!
The top picture is of the girls with Polly, our Australian Shepherd/Beagle mix, the second picture is of Hope and Faith helping with putting together the new Chicken Coop, and the third pic is of Charity doing the same!
And yes, before you ask, Charity did want her hair cut short! She loves it! Til next time!
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